Duties of a Criminal Defense Lawyer
Finding a right attorney who deals with criminal defense is vital to any person arrested and charged with criminal offenses and should be done quickly with a lot of consideration so as to get the best results. To understand the significance of this decision and to find the best one affordable, it is good to find the experienced , knowledgeable and efficient lawyer who must perform their roles in the most suitable way, and their roles in Baton Rouge, Louisiana are as discussed below.
The first most important role of the criminal defense lawyers that of being the advocates to the defendant where they bear the responsibility of properly representing their clients without considering whether the case will yield a not guilty verdict or not. As a means of preparing for a compelling argument and providing a viable defense, the criminal defense attorneys should invest their time in accumulating facts, researching on the case, reviewing the case documents and interviewing witnesses. The criminal defense attorneys are also charged with the role of interpreters of the law and should demonstrate how the law should be applied in a certain case issue or the whole case if they feel that there has been a misinterpretation of the law.
These advocates are also obliged to privilege and respect the privacy of their communications with clients as part of their role to be clients’ advocates, which makes the clients trust them, which give them more information regarding the case. However, this rule can be exempted in cases where there are court orders to prevent a big disaster like killings, or the privilege may lose meaning in cases where the defendant die before judgment.
The second role of a criminal defense attorney is that they are officers of the court whereby they represent the court and must always conduct themselves in line with the procedures and requirements of the court all the time. While representing their clients, the criminal defense lawyers must make decisions of the latter’s behalf while showing an understanding and knowledge of the existing law first, not to betray their clients but for the purpose of protecting the public justice system.
Lastly, alongside their role of being officers of the court, the criminal defense attorneys bear the responsibility of making sure that justice is delivered and protected, a duty in which they put in their best efforts to find the truth about the accused and the events leading to the case, and make sure it is presented to the court honestly. In conclusion, the criminal defense attorneys have a duty to ensure that their clients have been well represented, according to the court procedures while avoiding injustices by doing their best to protect the criminal justice system.
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