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What You Need To Know About Hamstring Curls

The isolation training which is primarily targeted at the hamstring and calf muscles is what is referred to as the leg curls. The leg curls are usually performed on a bench using a levered lifting bar fixed at the end of the machine. The common way of performing leg curls is to lie flat on your stomach and tucking your ankles securely under a padded roller.

Leg curls are mainly done to improve the flexibility of hamstrings and generally make the leg muscles stronger as well as making other muscles stronger. A leg curl is done when you pull your heels back towards your buttocks when lying on the machine. As you pull your legs towards your buttocks, you will subsequently pull the pulley system that is part of the machine. While getting your feet down, resistance develops, and this helps in strengthening the muscles around the buttocks, thighs and the front part of the shins.

If you are looking for a better balance, stamina and general health you need to work on training your hamstrings. The hamstrings are also helpful when doing your workout since they can withstand heavy objects.

Stronger hamstrings from regular leg curls are that you are less likely to sustain a major injury. As your body ages you can be prone to back pain, joint and knee problems but having regular leg curls help to prevent such.

Regular leg curls are also helpful for weight management, improvement of cardiovascular strength and chronic pain prevention.

Different gyms have different equipment, and you might want to consider the following variations and modifications. Using a new ergonomic machine is recommended if you think you might strain your back. The modern hamstring machines are designed to allow the trainee to bend their hips so that the pressure on their back is reduced.

As you do your leg curls; you can either sit or lie down according to your comfort. If you choose to do your hamstring curls in the prone position, it demands that you work harder so that you keep your hips against the gym bench. People who have neck or lower back pain are advised to do their leg curls in a seated position as this provides support in addition to preventing overextension .

Once you master how to do the leg curls, you can build more muscle by gradually increasing the weights. When doing hamstring curls, watch out not to add excess weight as this can be counterproductive in your objective of being stronger and performing better. If while you are doing the leg curls, you feel pain, you should immediately use less weight until you are strong enough.

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